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User-Generated Content: Why It’s Effective and How to Use It in Your…
Conversion Optimization

User-Generated Content: Why It’s Effective and How to Use It in Your…

Want people to pay more for your product? New research shows you should promote it with user-generated content. According…

The Best Content Examples for Every Stage: Interest, Consideration, Purchase…
Conversion Optimization

The Best Content Examples for Every Stage: Interest, Consideration, Purchase…

Chances are we’ll never meet you, speak to you, or even know what you look like. Still, you’ll make a buying…

Behind the Landing Page: User Experience Principles That Boost Conversions
Conversion Optimization

Behind the Landing Page: User Experience Principles That Boost Conversions

Yesterday a marketing campaign almost broke my mouse. How? By frustrating me to the point I nearly hurled it across the…

What is A/A Testing, and Why Should Marketers Care?
A/B Split Testing

What is A/A Testing, and Why Should Marketers Care?

Have you been through this scenario? You set up an A/B test to discover whether your new button and headline combination…

The New LinkedIn Matched Audiences: What You Need to Know
Conversion Optimization

The New LinkedIn Matched Audiences: What You Need to Know

For advertisers on the world’s premier business to business social network, campaign ROI potential just grew…

Build a Foundation of Trust by Avoiding These 12 Client Onboarding Mistakes
Marketing Agency Tips

Build a Foundation of Trust by Avoiding These 12 Client Onboarding Mistakes

For an agency, there are few better moments than when a new client signs on the dotted line of a contract. But once that…

Reciprocity & Authority: Principles of Marketing That Inspire Action
Conversion Optimization

Reciprocity & Authority: Principles of Marketing That Inspire Action

Today’s lesson on persuasive marketing is brought to you by a writer, a waiter, and among others, a researcher in…

Appeal to Everyone: Using Marketing Psychology as a Way to Improve Your…
Conversion Optimization

Appeal to Everyone: Using Marketing Psychology as a Way to Improve Your…

We call it “traffic” as though an inanimate stream of nameless, faceless device users is what frequents our web…

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