Want people to pay more for your product? New research shows you should promote it with user-generated content. According…
Chances are we’ll never meet you, speak to you, or even know what you look like. Still, you’ll make a buying…
Yesterday a marketing campaign almost broke my mouse. How? By frustrating me to the point I nearly hurled it across the…
Have you been through this scenario? You set up an A/B test to discover whether your new button and headline combination…
For advertisers on the world’s premier business to business social network, campaign ROI potential just grew…
For an agency, there are few better moments than when a new client signs on the dotted line of a contract. But once that…
Today’s lesson on persuasive marketing is brought to you by a writer, a waiter, and among others, a researcher in…
We call it “traffic” as though an inanimate stream of nameless, faceless device users is what frequents our web…
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