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Coming Soon Landing Page Examples

by Fahad Muhammad in Conversion Optimization, Landing Page Examples coming soon landing page examples

Movie trailers are insanely popular.

The primary purpose of a movie trailers is to attract an audience by showing some (often the juiciest) parts of the movie, this ensures that on opening day the cinemas are jam-packed.

Coming soon post-click landing pages do the same for your product launch. The pages give your potential clients a preview of what’s coming next and then captures their email address to keep them informed.

And according to this Google Trends graph, coming soon post-click landing pages have also become very popular.

Why is that?

Maybe because startups like Hipster gained 10, 000 subscribers virtually overnight all thanks to their coming soon post-click landing page.

hipster post-click landing page

Looks simple, right? Still, a majority of marketers don’t think about creating a coming soon post-click landing page before they launch their new product/service. And the ones that do create a coming soon page come up with one that doesn’t do anything for their conversion goals.

Well, today we’re going to fix all that, in this post we’re going to tell you what an optimized coming soon post-click landing page should look like. Not only that we’re also going to tell you how you can create a coming soon page in just three minutes.

Your Headline Should Give Visitors a Whiff of Your Benefits

You shouldn’t spill all the beans on your coming soon page.

Your page headline should briefly state what your product is going to be about. Work in your Unique Value Proposition so that your client knows what separates you from the rest of the crowd.

Coming soon post-click landing pages are short form post-click landing pages, which is why it is better to explain your product/service in the headline.

You can also go for bullet points to explain the benefits, but you need to make sure they don’t take up too much space on the page.

Briefly does this like a pro on their post-click landing page.


The headline forces the visitor to pay attention, as the word “sexy” separates this page from others in its niche. The wordplay on the word “briefs” is what makes this page so interesting. The image is relevant and humorous, benefits are arranged in bullet points, and they are safely tucked away under the main headline.

The Evertale post-click landing page headline does this too.


The page for Lon does this too.


It explains what the service is going to offer you, which is borrowing furniture first and paying for it later. This is the service’s UVP, and it’s explained quite succinctly in the sub-head.

Your Form Should Have Only One Field

Don’t treat your coming soon post-click landing page as a lead capture page and put a form on it that’s so long that it scares your visitors away.

You don’t really have anything to offer your visitors on your coming soon page. All you can give them is a promise that your ready to launch service is going to help make their lives better. This is why the only thing your lead capture form should collect at this point is their email address.

Don’t be greedy with your form.

Be simple, like EveryStar is with their form.


This is what the Last Rocket page does too.


Make it Easy to Share

Social proof does wonders for your post-click landing pages, this obviously includes coming soon pages. Make your pages easily shareable, in fact, urge your visitors to share your page with their communities.

You can go with the quid pro quo sequence and offer them something in return for sharing your page.

Maybe give them a sneak peek into your launch process, or make them feel exclusive by offering them special discounts when you launch.

Don’t forget to thank your customers after they’ve signed up

Your visitors did a nice thing for you by signing up for a service that has yet to launch. It’s only natural that once you know you’ve gotten the email address, you thank your customers for signing up.

Don’t do it with a bland thank you page. Put some effort into it, make it personal or better yet offer them something extra.

This is what Curate does.


Creating Your Own Coming Soon post-click landing page

By now you know all the advantages you get by creating a coming soon post-click landing page. You’ve also seen a couple of coming soon post-click landing pages that do the trick, what’s left is to let you know how you can create your page in just a few minutes.

That’s easy. Just select a template from the 95 templates that you get free with your Instapage account, personalize it and you’re done.

In fact, here’s a stellar template we created just for this purpose.

coming soon template

PSST: Don’t forget to create a Thank You page for your subscribers. You can learn how to do this here. Plus, we have an entire category of thank you page templates just for you.

So, when are you creating your coming soon post-click landing page? Sign up for an Instapage Enterprise demo today.

blog CTA enterprise demo illustration

See the Instapage Enterprise Plan in Action.

Demo includes AdMap™, Personalization, AMP,

Global Blocks, heatmaps & more.

Fahad Muhammad

by Fahad Muhammad

Fahad Muhammad is a Content Marketer at Postclick. He writes about post-click landing pages, advertising trends, and personalization. When he’s not busy writing, he can be found glued to an episode of Top Gear.

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