8 Ways Marketo Uses Landing Pages to Drive Leads and Sales

Last updated on by Stephanie Mialki in Conversion Optimization, Landing Page Examples

Founded in 2006, Marketo and its powerful marketing automation software began helping marketers all over the world effectively engage customers and prospects. Today, ten years later, the company has helped countless name brands find success with its software. Some of these brands include Canon, Hyundai, Microsoft, Sherwin-Williams, Nokia, and Panasonic.

One of the things Marketo does better than many other companies is use post-click landing pages to supplement their automation. By using post-click landing pages appropriately and efficiently, Marketo is able to increase conversion rates substantially. Let’s take a close look at how Marketo uses post-click landing pages to increase the number of leads entering their sales funnel.

Before we do that, though, let’s refresh your memory.

What is a post-click landing page?

A post-click landing page is a standalone web page, which has been created with a single goal in mind: to get visitors to convert. Your post-click landing page goal can vary; from signing up for a new service, downloading an ebook, generating sales, subscribing to a newsletter, registering for a webinar, and a whole list of other content.

Whatever the action is, the goal of a post-click landing page is to elicit that action using persuasive elements like compelling headlines, social proof, explanatory videos, and a color-contrasting form with a call-to-action.

8 Ways Marketo uses post-click landing pages

1. Demo sign-ups

What the page does well:

What could be changed and A/B tested:

2. Demand generation success kit

What the page does well:

What could be changed and A/B tested:

3. Digital advertising guide

What the page does well:

What could be changed and A/B tested:

4. Social media marketing guide

What the page does well:

What could be changed and A/B tested:

5. Marketing automation guide

What the page does well:

What could be changed and A/B tested:

6. Content marketing ebook

What the page does well:

What could be changed and A/B tested:

7. Business event registration

What the page does well:

What could be changed and A/B tested:

8. Social event registration

What the page does well:

What could be changed and A/B tested:

What do you think of Marketo’s post-click landing pages?

With the help of post-click landing pages, Marketo continues to build lead generating campaigns that add more prospects to every stage of their sales funnel.

To generate maximum leads for your campaign, take some cues from these examples and start building your own pages with Instapage. Sign up for an Instapage Enterprise demo today.

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